PetSmart Dog Snack Recall

Excerpts from PetSmart Website:

With the recent FDA announcement of a salmonella investigation involving peanut butter products distributed through the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA), ......  we are conducting a voluntary recall as a precautionary measure and have removed these products from our shelves and website.

Effective January 20, 2009, PetSmart® is conducting a voluntary recall of seven of our Grreat Choice dog biscuits (peanut butter and assorted flavors). The recall affects U.S. stores only. We initiated the recall after determining these products sold between August 21, 2008 and January 19, 2009 contain peanut butter product linked to the salmonella recall announced by the FDA.

See the details on PetSmarts recall webpage.  (It loads slow because we dog owners are ALL looking at it!)
