A while back I had tossed out a few notes about this internet issue, "A critical OpenSSL vulnerability" referred to as Heartbleed.
Judging from the reaction, or lack thereof, I don't think many folk thought this was a big deal. But the HEARTBLEED BUG HAS BEEN THE LARGEST SECURITY THREAT to the internet, ever. (To date. Because who knows what bonehead will find something new and more hazardous next week, then announce it to the entire world.)
The issue with Heartbleed Bug was that a vulnerability was discovered in a common, everyday used function of the internet that many (defined as MANY) different websites were using to secure YOUR PASSWORDS.
Technically, the information could be siphoned off in packets, and put together later, giving the ill-minded criminal ilk easy access to what ever of yours they want. IF HACKERS had noticed and taken advantage of the situation.
I know with me, if I find a business advantage in things, like web SEO and what not, I'm the tightest lipped person around. So if someone did take advantage, well, it's a guessing game.
Plus, I don't know about you, but I don't want people I don't know having access to my things. Hell, I don't even want people I do know having access to my stuff. (No offense!)
The website called Mashable put together a list of impacted sites and this list points to what service provider, if you use then, where you SHOULD CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS.
And some of the biggest sites out there were impacted.
Now, what's the change that someone got your info and is putting together a package attack right now? Probably pretty low. But there's that 1% chance and I gotta say, I would rather not be part of that 1%. What about you?
What sites do YOU NEED (Or heavily suggested) TO CHANGE Your Password On?
Amazon Web Services, |
American Funds, |
Box, |
Dropbox, |
Etsy, |
Facebook, |
Flickr (It's part of Yahoo) |
GitHub, |
Gmail, |
GoDaddy, |
Healthcare.gov, |
Instagram, |
Minecraft, |
Netflix, |
OKCupid, |
Pinterest, |
SoundCloud, |
Tumblr, |
Venmo, |
Wikipedia, |
Wordpress, |
Wunderlist, |
Yahoo Email, |
Yahoo, |
YouTube |
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