When Spammers Say They're Not Spammers

When Spammers Say They're Not Spammers
The SEO spammers that used to hit up webmasters now have a new approach, and now they title their email "Ethical Internet Marketing."

Whew!  Thank god it's ethical!

So 'Lalit Verma,' from awesomewebsidecrawler said she'd like to have my attention for "Internet marketing for ."

She claims that  "Your website needs immediate improvement for some major issues with your website."

Ah, good eenglysh there Lalit.

According to this expert, I have

-Low online presence for many competitive keyword phrases

-Unorganized social media accounts

-Not compatible with all mobile devices

-Many bad back links to your website


Man, she's "good!"  She then goes on to 'splain to me that,

"I would request you to give us a chance to fix those issues. Our team of Search Engine and Social Media experts are here to serve you with best inputs."

Then she gets personal, and the best part of this email goes on as she 'splains that, "You will feel the difference once you get services from our company as we never let our clients expectations go down."

BOL.  Well that's good to know. She says they can "guarantee you 1st page Google ranking."

Now that would be a trick!  But wait, here's the classic sign off.

"PS I: I am not spamming."

And they still have this in the email... the same email that says I need help with my Google rankings, that "PS II: I found your site using Google search..."

Now this was an entertaining spam solicitation that was not spam.   That found me using Google, the same Google I need help with ranking.
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