Stanford's Mystery License Plate Note Takers

Today, for the 2nd time in as many weeks, I was driving through the intersection of Stock Farm Rd. and Oak Rd. on the NW side of the Stanford campus in Palo Alto, CA.

When we passed through, there were people in orange vests taking license plate numbers of vehicles passing through the intersection.  They're pretty blatant about it too.

After we were done and leaving the campus, I had stopped by one of the plate number takers to ask what they were doing.

I got the oddest answer.

Me:  "Why are you guys writing down license plate numbers?"

Him:  "I don't know.  I'm only doing what I'm told."

What a pile of crock.

I'll be calling Stanford tomorrow to see what they have to say.  And next time I see these people, I'm pulling over to ask more uncomfortable questions.

UPDATE:  They're official reply/guess was...

"Twice a year, the university has to count the amount of traffic coming in and out of campus per its agreements with Santa Clara County under its General Use Permit. That permit dictates the amount of construction allowed on campus and the traffic offsets that result when construction occurs. So, very likely, the workers were part of the semi-annual traffic count."

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