Is This How Everyone Is Feeling About Facebook?

I was on my way home Sunday afternoon, and my route takes me past the Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, CA.

Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, CA

Whenever I drive by the place, there's usually folks getting their picture in front of the big 'Like' symbol out front of the property.  It's a very popular photo destination for many, now that the facility is located somewhere slightly easier to get to, than it's previous location.

As I pulled up to the light today and was waiting for it to turn green, I thought I'd snap a pic.  I couldn't see what was going on, there was another car to my right in my way.  But I aimed my camera high and snapped a blind shot over the car in the direction of the sign, hoping to get something.

Boy, did I.

When I got home to review some images I had taken today, I just happen to see my last image of the day and started laughing out loud.

Facebook unlike

To be honest, I think this image depicts a growing trend of how folks are feeling about the site as it goes through its various stages of financially motivated evolutions.  I think it's going to slowly start to go the way of MySpace.  (Who?)

I say that because statistically, to show up at some random time and snap a pic like this, well, it's like seeing a spider or a cockroach.  Where you see one, there are many you aren't seeing.

What do you think?  Is this a sign of the times?  Is Facebook starting to alienate enough folks to possibly start hurting its own momentum?  Or just a fluke opinion, indicating the need for an unlike button on the site?  Or least in its driveway!
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