I run a Facebook page for my dog Vader, and it's a fun thing to do.
Though I must admit, it's hard to come up with new and supposedly
entertaining pics from events that he performs in or trains for.
But of late, I've been having problems creating and publishing photo albums.
For one, ordering the images is just crazy. Good luck getting them the way you want them while you're at the whim of Facebook's ordering process.
But what I've been experiencing consistently is that I can upload images to a new album, but when all is said and done, the button to publish the album stays grayed out and I can't hit it to publish the album and I can't find any way to get around this new fail from Facebook.
So I end up closing the browser tab or page I was uploading in (it's locked and useless) and opening a new one. When I get back to the FB Page I was uploading to, but could not publish, I see that the pics are there but there's no update saying that the page created an album.
So far, that's one Facebook fail that leads to a second one right away. An album that doesn't let you publish despite images being uploaded and the album actually existing, despite the apparent fail. And yet, no notification the album just became created.
For me, the last few times I've experienced this issue, I've had 12 to 15 images.
Some suggested fixes out there say to add a date to the album and the pictures. (Didn't work for me)
Others say to create a single pic album, and then add more pics once it's been created. (I tried that with about 12 pics and when I added a new one, nothing happened for me. But I did not try it as it's exactly suggested to do, so there's this idea to consider.)
Others suggest that this is how Facebook is getting users to pay for services... (see those "promote page" buttons on side of page.) But I'm not totally on board with that idea.
As I was tinkering around, I thought that maybe because I'm the admin, I no longer see what it is other non-admins (fans) might see. So I opened up a different browser and went to the page.
The first time I did this, the new album was not there under my page.
I was just starting to ponder tinkering around with the one-pic premise (I was going to delete everything and start over) but then (about 15 to 30 minutes later) my neutral web browser indicated that the new photo album was now posted on the time line of the page.
One other fix, one that I've successfully used in the past because this keeps happening every time I create a multi-image album on this page is to use the 'share' button on the album. (See below for details)
This time around (it's so sad that I've had to say, "this time around"), I'm waiting overnight to see if it ends up getting published without me trying some tricky FB-BS to make it work like it should. (Or as we presume it should, I should say.)
OK, the waiting game failed.
Here's what I had to do to get my page out into my fan's news feeds*:
Go to my Facebook Page;
Go to the newly created album that never went out;
And just like any piece of third-party content I see on FB that I want to share with fans, I choose the "share" option under the album;
Choose (If not already) "On a Page you manage";
Select the page you want "publishing" out to your feed:
Write something (if you want) in the "Write something..." box and/or click "Share Album" button. (You know, the function that should have happened automatically.)
And walla, it actually finally shows up in my feed.
So I have to treat my own FB page album like someone else's content and jump through the share hoops to get it to show up as a published album, on it's own feed.
Seems lame to me, but that's how I get around this issue.
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Footnote from above
*That is, the ones who Facebook has deemed can still receive updates because they "interact" with a page.
If you don't interact with a page you've "Liked," Facebook stops showing their updates in your timeline feeds. I've seen a myriad of pages that have thousands or millions of fans and their updates are only getting to a few hundred or thousand folks. (Depending on the size of their numbers.)
You actually have to go back to the page you've liked, see if you have been missing updates, and if you have, hover your mouse over the LIKED button, and ALSO choose "Get Notifications."
Because you know, liking something isn't enough to let FB know you want to see updates from it. I think this particular practice is crap. But I suspect it's a way for FB to thin out their bandwidth traffic while supporting whatever marketing practices they have in the background.
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But of late, I've been having problems creating and publishing photo albums.
For one, ordering the images is just crazy. Good luck getting them the way you want them while you're at the whim of Facebook's ordering process.
But what I've been experiencing consistently is that I can upload images to a new album, but when all is said and done, the button to publish the album stays grayed out and I can't hit it to publish the album and I can't find any way to get around this new fail from Facebook.
So I end up closing the browser tab or page I was uploading in (it's locked and useless) and opening a new one. When I get back to the FB Page I was uploading to, but could not publish, I see that the pics are there but there's no update saying that the page created an album.
So far, that's one Facebook fail that leads to a second one right away. An album that doesn't let you publish despite images being uploaded and the album actually existing, despite the apparent fail. And yet, no notification the album just became created.
For me, the last few times I've experienced this issue, I've had 12 to 15 images.
Some suggested fixes out there say to add a date to the album and the pictures. (Didn't work for me)
Others say to create a single pic album, and then add more pics once it's been created. (I tried that with about 12 pics and when I added a new one, nothing happened for me. But I did not try it as it's exactly suggested to do, so there's this idea to consider.)
Others suggest that this is how Facebook is getting users to pay for services... (see those "promote page" buttons on side of page.) But I'm not totally on board with that idea.
As I was tinkering around, I thought that maybe because I'm the admin, I no longer see what it is other non-admins (fans) might see. So I opened up a different browser and went to the page.
The first time I did this, the new album was not there under my page.
I was just starting to ponder tinkering around with the one-pic premise (I was going to delete everything and start over) but then (about 15 to 30 minutes later) my neutral web browser indicated that the new photo album was now posted on the time line of the page.
One other fix, one that I've successfully used in the past because this keeps happening every time I create a multi-image album on this page is to use the 'share' button on the album. (See below for details)
This time around (it's so sad that I've had to say, "this time around"), I'm waiting overnight to see if it ends up getting published without me trying some tricky FB-BS to make it work like it should. (Or as we presume it should, I should say.)
OK, the waiting game failed.
My Workaround for Publishing Facebook Photo Albums on Pages
Here's what I had to do to get my page out into my fan's news feeds*:
Go to my Facebook Page;
Go to the newly created album that never went out;
And just like any piece of third-party content I see on FB that I want to share with fans, I choose the "share" option under the album;
Choose (If not already) "On a Page you manage";
Select the page you want "publishing" out to your feed:
Write something (if you want) in the "Write something..." box and/or click "Share Album" button. (You know, the function that should have happened automatically.)
And walla, it actually finally shows up in my feed.
So I have to treat my own FB page album like someone else's content and jump through the share hoops to get it to show up as a published album, on it's own feed.
Seems lame to me, but that's how I get around this issue.
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Footnote from above
*That is, the ones who Facebook has deemed can still receive updates because they "interact" with a page.
If you don't interact with a page you've "Liked," Facebook stops showing their updates in your timeline feeds. I've seen a myriad of pages that have thousands or millions of fans and their updates are only getting to a few hundred or thousand folks. (Depending on the size of their numbers.)
You actually have to go back to the page you've liked, see if you have been missing updates, and if you have, hover your mouse over the LIKED button, and ALSO choose "Get Notifications."
Because you know, liking something isn't enough to let FB know you want to see updates from it. I think this particular practice is crap. But I suspect it's a way for FB to thin out their bandwidth traffic while supporting whatever marketing practices they have in the background.
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