This was fun.
8:50 AM: I got online around 8:50 am... thought I'd prepare ahead of time. I went to ABC news at first. It's where I usually go.
ABC kept giving me an Audi Ad... and the spinning arrow saying the live feed was loading... after 15 minutes I moved on to CNN since I'm missing the beginning.
9:05 AM: At CNN, I had a "Place in line". Because the Leader of the Band, ABC stalled me, I'm now on the outside looking in at video queues... thanks to ABC and their sponsor, Audi for that.
9:12 AM: Now I'm checking out C-Span. Hot dog... I hear cheering! It's intermittent but it's closer than I've gotten to so far. I feel hope, yet all I have is sound.
9:15 AM: Let's check MSNBC... see if that's any better. Another Audi ad. I have to wait for an ad to see a live stream. Nice. And now my IE explorer croaked. Nice. Now I have nothing!
9:18 AM: I went back to CNN and now I have to upgrade something... Flash. But now my Flash needs a plugin... Octoshape... LOL... I'm coming!!!
9:22 AM: And now... now it's frozen. Once I got CNN up, I now had to endure another ad. This one from NEXTEL Direct. I would think that you do not want your ad stalling internet travellers from seeing what they want to see live, but that's just me.

9:40 AM: National Anthem, and the parties leave the stage. GOOD BYE bush.
9:43 AM: The live feed has an ad or two before they return.
Wow, Barack Obama has his hands full, that's for sure. How'd you like to start a job where almost everything about it is upside down and effed.
With that, all parties concerned leave for their day jobs
Well, I had a blast chasing my own tail at least. This is what is called Bruce's World! Big time!
Onward. I'll have to go find one of the many millions of videos out there. Sigh.
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