Computer Monday: How To Add Page Numbers to An Open Office Document

If you use Open Office in place of Word, you'll find that it is fairly competitive in how it handles word processing. I use Open Office to create PDF files. Though the PDf files aren't as small as they could be, I can still do it, and Open Office is free, hence, creating PDF files are free.
You can look into it here:

So say you want to add page #'s to your Open Office document:
Here's how:

1. Click Format, and select Page.
2. Select the Footer tab.
3. Check the Footer on checkbox.
4. Click OK.
5. The footer will be inserted at the bottom of the page.
6. Click inside the footer.
7. Click Insert, mouseover Fields and select Page Number.
8. Use the text alignment buttons to properly align the page number on your document (left, center, or right).
9. Format the page number (font type, size, and color).
