AOL Wants To Watch All My Email

An Opinion by Bruce E. Simmons

So while I'm still seeing log-in error screens on a daily basis from AOL, and having my email spam blocked without a chance of my saying whether it's good or not, do you really think that I want to provide AOL with my passwords to my Yahoo and Gmail accounts? Are they nuts?!?!?! How stupid do they think I am?

They already spam bot my address book from AOL and HELP me by adding everyone to my AOL Chat platform, when in fact, I don't want anyone in my AIM tool that I don't personally add.

But that's just me. Maybe everyone like the added help or service they provide by making themselves an all-in-one service provider. Me, I'm leery about providing passwords and access to my other services that are in direct competition with AOL.

Call me funny that way.

Related Links

AOL is Blocking Email For You And Why I Like Gmail or Yahoo

Reduction of Services From AOL - The Beginning of the End?
